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HOSA Bylaws

Utah HOSA: Future Health Professionals Bylaws

revised May 2021

 Utah HOSA Future Health Professionals is a student leadership organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA is available to students attending public and private schools beginning in middle school and continuing through post-secondary/collegiate education. HOSA is open to students of all races and religious beliefs.


Name and Sponsors

Section 1. Name

The name of the organization shall be the Utah HOSA: Future Health Professionals, aka Utah HOSA. Its founding name was known as Utah HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America as established in 1985). Only the state association and affiliated chapters shall use the name. Utah HOSA is an official affiliate member of HOSA Future Health Professionals (aka HOSA FHP).

 Section 2. Sponsors

The sponsor of the organization is the Utah State Board of Education, Career and Technical Education division.


Mission Statement and Purposes

Section 1. Mission Statement

A. The mission of HOSA Future Health Professionals is to enhance the delivery of

compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skills, and leadership development of all health science education students, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care community.

B. HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, skills development and recognition exclusively for middle school, secondary and postsecondary/collegiate students enrolled in health science education programs or those students wishing to pursue a healthcare career. HOSA is 100% healthcare.

Section 2. Purposes

A. The purpose of Utah HOSA is to develop leadership and technical skills through a

program of education, motivation, awareness, competition and recognition as an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program.


B. HOSA offers organized instruction by providing students with training beyond the basic technical skills needed for entry into the healthcare field. The rapidly changing healthcare system needs dedicated workers who, in addition to their technical skills, are people-oriented and capable of providing a leadership or followership role as a member of a healthcare team.

 1. Develop effective leadership and skills.

2. Develop the ability to communicate more effectively with people.

3. Develop character and responsible citizenship traits.

4. Understand the importance of advocating for oneself while serving others.

5. Build self-confidence and pride in one’s work.

6. Make realistic career choices and seek successful employment in the healthcare


7. Develop an understanding of the importance of interacting and cooperating with

other students and organizations.

8. Encourage individual and group achievement.

9. Develop an understanding of current health care issues, environmental

concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation, and the world.

10.Encourage involvement in local, state, and national healthcare and education


11.Support Health Science Education instructional objectives.


Organization and Structure

Section 1. Chartered State Association

A. Chartered state associations shall be composed of all affiliated chapters within the boundary of the state of Utah.

B. State bylaws shall be consistent with those of the national organization. Chapter bylaws shall be consistent with the state association.

Section 2. Areas

There shall be five designated areas of Utah HOSA Future Health Professionals as follows:

 • Northern Area: Box Elder District, Logan District, Cache District, Rich District, Weber District, Ogden District, Morgan District, Duchesne District, Uintah District, North Summit District, South Summit District, Daggett District, and Park City District.

• Davis Area: Davis District

• Salt Lake County/Tooele Area: Salt Lake City District, Tooele District, Murray

District, Granite District, Canyons District, and Jordan District.


 • Central Area: Alpine District, Nebo District, Provo District, Wasatch District, Park City District and Tintic District.

• Southern Area: Juab District, Emery District, Carbon District, South Sanpete District, North Sanpete District, Sevier District, Wayne District, Millard District, Piute District, Grand District, San Juan District, Beaver District, Iron District, Garfield District, Kane District, and Washington District.

Section 3. Chapters

A. Affiliated Chapters.

A local unit known as a chapter may be offered in any public or private schools, colleges or universities where which health science instruction is offered. The chapter shall be composed of students possessing the qualifications of membership.

B. Organization.

A chapter may be organized whenever, in the judgment of the teachers, students and administrators, it would be advantageous to do so.

Section 4. Membership Qualifications

  A. Active Membership. Any student who is enrolled in a middle school, secondary, postsecondary/collegiate health science education course(s)and/or are interested, planning to pursue, or pursuing a career in the health professions shall be eligible for active membership in an organized chapter within Utah. Students qualifying for membership shall pay national, state, and chapter dues as designated. Active members shall be eligible to hold office, make motions, and vote. Active members shall be eligible to compete at regional, state and international conferences as offered by the state.

B. Inactive Membership. Any student who is taking a course in the health sciences may be considered an inactive member and participate in related class activities. Inactive members shall not be eligible to hold office, make motions, or vote. Inactive members shall not be eligible to compete at regional, state or international conferences.

C. Members-At-Large. Those persons otherwise qualified for membership where active HOSA chapters are not yet established qualify for member-at- large status. Members-at-large shall affiliate directly with the Utah HOSA association. Members- at-large shall not be eligible to serve as voting delegates or seek elected office. Members-at-large shall be eligible to compete at regional, state and/or international conferences as offered by the state.

D. Alumni and Associate Membership. This division shall be composed of persons who have been members of HOSA. Alumni division members shall pay affiliation fees, which currently are free, and may not vote, make motions, hold office, or compete in events.


 E. Professional Division. This division shall be composed of persons who are associated with or serving in Utah HOSA in professional capacities. These may include health care professionals, alumni, HOSA chapter advisors, or other adult members of the community who wish to assist and support the HOSA program and its growth and development. Professional division members shall pay affiliation fees, but may not vote, make motions, hold office, or compete in events.

F. Honorary Members. Honorary members shall be persons who have made significant contributions to the development of Utah HOSA and/or have rendered outstanding service to the organization. Honorary members shall have none of the obligations and all of the privileges of membership except voting, making motions, holding office, and competing in events.

G. Middle School Member. A middle school member is a student who attends a public, charter or private school in Utah which teaches grades 7 and 8. Middle school members are subject to all rules and regulations of their affiliated institution as well as their district. Students must comply with all rules throughout the membership year under En Loco Parentis.

H. Secondary Member. A secondary member is a student who attends a public, charter or private school in Utah which teaches grades 9-12. Concurrent enrollment students are considered to be secondary members since their primary institution is a secondary one (high school). Secondary students are subject to all rules and regulations of their affiliated institution as well as their district. Students must comply with all rules throughout the membership year under En Loco Parentis.

I. Post-Secondary/Collegiate Member. A post-secondary/collegiate member has graduated from high school or obtained an equivalent and attends a college, university or other approved post-secondary education facility. Post- secondary/collegiate members must follow their institution’s rules and regulations. A concurrent enrollment student is not considered a post-secondary/collegiate member.

J. Membership Status. The status of a student’s membership in HOSA is determined at the time of affiliation with state/national HOSA and does not change until the next period of affiliation. Students remain in the membership category (middle school, secondary or post-secondary/collegiate) which they were affiliated at through the summer regardless of graduation status. There are no changes in membership categories within an affiliation year without proper petitions and paperwork. The membership year is from August 1 of one year through July 30 of the following year.



Dues, Fiscal Year, Budget, Financial Review and Insurance

Section 1. State Dues

Annual Affiliation Fees. Annual affiliation fees for Fall semester students must be received by National HOSA on or before March 5 of the membership year. Affiliation fees for students who enroll after January 1 must be received by HOSA Future Health Professionals on or before March 5 of that same year. The membership year concludes on July 31 for all students. Students who do not affiliate by the appropriate date shall be ineligible to participate in the HOSA Competitive Events Program or seek state/international office.

Section 3. Budget

An annual budget shall be developed and approved by the Utah HOSA Advisory Board. While the Utah HOSA Advisory Board may approve the budget and make recommendations on finances, the daily operations are entrusted to the Utah HOSA State Advisor. The state advisor will provide an accounting of the budget at each of the Utah HOSA Advisory Board meetings.

Section 4. Financial Review

A. A financial review of the financial statements shall be conducted annually on a schedule established by the Utah State Board of Education CTE director.

B. A financial review of financial statements shall be conducted whenever there is a change in the state leadership organization advisor.

Section 5. Insurance

Utah HOSA will be covered with adequate insurance as outlined by the Utah State Board of Education CTE Department.

 Section 2. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall be August 1 through July 31. This aligns with the HOSA Future Health Professional fiscal year and tax filing services provided by the HOSA FHP Headquarters.



State Executive Council

Section 1. State Officers

A. Utah HOSA shall have between 8 and 10 selected/elected officers, more if deemed

necessary by the state advisor and the leadership coaches. The state officers will be

selected/elected by the current Advisory Board guidelines.

B. Each affiliated chapter will be eligible to submit officer candidates each year. The

selections/elections will be held during the State Leadership Conference each year.

C. The elected officers will be known as the State Officers or the State Executive Council. The offices may include any of the following positions. Not all of the

following positions may be filled. Eight is the preferred number of state officers within the Executive Council.

1. President

2. Secretary

3. Service Vice-President

4. Historian/HOSA Games V.P.

5. Area Vice Presidents (one for each region)

6. Post-Secondary/Collegiate Division Vice-President

7. Alumni Division Vice President

8. Middle School Division Vice President

Section 2. Qualifications

A. State Officers/State Executive Council members shall meet the following qualifications:

 1. Is currently an active member in an affiliated chapter and has been an active member in good standing for at least one year; must be national and state affiliated by January 1st.

2. Must be enrolled in secondary, postsecondary/collegiate health science education courses and/or are interested, planning to pursue, or pursuing a career in the health professions.

3. Approval from the school chapter and support from the HOSA chapter advisor, school principal, and parent/guardian.

4. Must be currently enrolled in a secondary or postsecondary/ collegiate program or have related employment within the state of Utah.

5. The state officer must abide by the contract of Utah HOSA’s insurance policy in regards to travel and driving. The current rules will be posted in the Utah HOSA State Officer application guide.

 Section 3. Officer Duties

A. The president shall preside at the State HOSA conferences and at all HOSA officer meetings, and develop with the assistance of the Executive Council and the HOSA state staff, an annual program of work.


B. The secretary shall record the minutes of all division or officer meetings, keep a file of relevant documents, write notes of courtesy and thanks, and notify executive council members of meetings.

C. The service vice-president shall be responsible for overseeing the state service project and distributing information regarding that project to members. The service project is determined by the State Executive Council along with the State HOSA Staff. D. The area vice-presidents shall promote the growth and development of their HOSA divisions within their areas in accordance with the annual program of work.

E. The post-secondary officer shall promote the growth and development of their HOSA division in accordance with the annual program of work

F. The alumni division officer shall promote the growth and inclusion of the Utah HOSA Alumni to assist with conferences, serving as judges and presenters.

G. The historian will be responsible for providing a summary of the year’s activities in addition to maintaining and promoting the HOSA Games. The purpose of the HOSA Games is to increase engagement in HOSA.

 Section 4. State Executive Council Duties

The elected representative body of the Utah HOSA Future Health Professionals shall be known as the State Executive Council. The essential function of the council shall be program development, program implementation, and public relations. The State Executive Council shall have the following responsibilities:

 1. Recommend the establishment of programs, projects, and activities.

2. Plan the program for the state leadership conference

3. Plan the program for other meetings sponsored by state HOSA.

4. Conduct the official business of the organization at the state conference.

5. Advocate the goals and programs of HOSA within and outside the organizations.

 Section 5. Advisors

A. The state advisor, state officer advisor, state competitive events chair, and/or other appropriate state staff shall serve as the official advisors to the State Executive Council. B. Advisors to Executive Council members shall assume responsibilities to help run the state leadership conferences.

Section 6. Term of Office

Officers shall serve for one year on the State Executive Council or until their successors are elected.


 Section 7. Vacancies

A. If the office of president should become vacant, one of the vice presidents will be appointed as the president.

B. Appointments for vacancies in offices other than the president, which occur before one- half of the officer’s term has been completed, shall be made by the president in consultation with the state staff.

C. With the exception of the office of president, if a vacancy occurs after one-half of the officer’s term has been completed, then the other members of the State Executive Council assume responsibilities of that office. The president, in consultation with the state advisors, shall make such assignments.

ARTICLE VI Advisory Board Section 1. Purpose

 1. There shall be an advisory board for the Utah HOSA organization. The board must consist of not less than three members.

2. The Board shall be informed of the organization’s activities and financial transactions. The Board will make suggestions for activities.

3. The Board shall conduct an annual performance evaluation of the work performed by the state advisor and state staff. The state advisor shall be included in evaluation of the work performed by state staff.

4. The Board receives and acts in an advisory capacity upon the recommendations of the state specialist and state advisor relative to management of the program and fiscal matters.

 Section 2. Membership

A. Membership shall consist of one appointed representative from each of the five regional areas. Additionally, there will be a representative from the collegiate division, a representative from the applied technology colleges, and a district HS specialist representative.

B. The State Health Science Education Specialist. C. The State HOSA Advisor.


 D. The State UACTE Health Science Division President.

E. All terms for regional, collegiate, and district, representatives will be for a 3-year period. Representatives may hold two consecutive terms. Representatives may be asked to continue when the positions cannot be filled.

F. Membership will be appointed by the State Health Science Specialist and the State HOSA Advisor.

Section 3. Guidelines

The Advisory Board will follow Utah State Career & Technical Education’s Student Organization guidelines for CTSO Advisory Boards.

Section 4. Meetings

The State Advisory Board will hold three meetings and any additional meetings as needed (Utah ACTE Conference (Jan/Feb), HS Summer Conference (June) and the HOSA Fall Conference (September/October).

Section 5. Offices

The Utah HOSA State Advisor will provide the agenda, meeting minutes, and financial documents at each board meeting. The Utah HOSA State Advisor will send the information to each board member who is unable to attend the meeting.

 Section 6. Quorum

The Board must have a quorum to transact business.

Section 7. Vacancies

The Board will fill vacancies as needed. ARTICLE VII

State Advisor

The State Advisor shall be the chief administrative officer of Utah HOSA Future Health Professionals also doing business as Utah HOSA. Duties of the State Advisor shall include:

 • To provide administrative services for the designated organization on a daily basis within the Career & Technical Education policies.


 • To advise and coordinate the activities of the state executive council and state advisory board.

• To provide consulting services to teachers within the Health Science program area.

• To supervise the state officers’ activities.

• To provide secretarial support services for HOSA.

To respond to appropriate requests from HOSA Future Health Professionals

Headquarters, the Utah State Board of Education, and local chapter organizations.

• To work closely with the State Specialist and CTSO advisor in planning, organizing,

preparing for, and conducting all conferences.

• To make arrangements for the International Leadership Conference.

• To organize, coordinate, and supervise the state organization’s delegation at the

International Leadership Conference.

• To plan, organize, and conduct the state organization’s Fall Leadership Conference

in conjunction with the State Officer Advisor.

• To plan, organize, and conduct the State Leadership Conference and related


• To assist with the planning and development of the USBE’s Leadership Training

Institute for state officers.

• To operate the organization of financial accounts and vouchers within the Utah

State Board of Education’s Financial Standards for CTE Leadership Organizations,


• To coordinate with the appropriate Utah State Board of Education specialist in

preparing and disseminating all publications.

• To solicit membership from schools, districts, and institutions in the state.

• To prepare membership information required by the leadership organization and

return it to the local affiliated chapters.


Additional State Staff Positions

Additional state staff positions may be contracted with to provide services as deemed appropriate by the Utah HOSA Advisory Board. Duties and responsibilities for each state staff position should be outlined in their contracts. Additional staff may include:

 • Competitive Events Chair

• State Officer Coach

• Treasurer/Bookkeeper

• State Technician

• Others as necessary



Section 1. Chapter Advisors


 A. Teachers endorsed in and currently teaching one or more health science education courses shall serve as advisors.

B. Other individuals who are not qualified content teachers may serve as assistant advisors with local district approval.

C. Chapter advisors should attend all meetings of the group, supervise and advise chapter officers, supervise events associated with the chapter, supervise the spending of chapter funds, and provide advice on school policies as they relate to organization functions.

Section 2. Chapter Dues

The chapter may determine local membership dues subject to approval by the members of the chapter and accordance with local school board policy. They shall be in addition to national and state dues.

Section 3. Bylaws

Chapter bylaws shall be adopted to govern the transaction of business, provided such bylaws are in accord with those of the state organization.



Section 1. State Meetings

 1. The time and place of the state meetings shall be determined by the state advisor upon consultation and approval by the Advisory Board. The purpose of the meetings shall be:

a. To recognize outstanding chapter and individual accomplishments

b. To host competitive events and select those qualifying to participate at

the International Leadership Conference

c. To provide Leadership training to Utah HOSA members and advisors

d. To provide Competitive Events to Utah HOSA members and advisors

e. To provide Service opportunities to Utah HOSA members and advisors

f. To help facilitate exposure to healthcare careers

 Competitive Events

Section 1. State Leadership Conference Events

 1. Members who are national and state affiliated by the March 5th deadline may compete in an unlimited number of events as long as the competitions do not conflict during the State Leadership Conference.


 2. A member may compete in the same event(s) every year that they are a member.

3. Current guidelines will be followed at all competitions.

 Section 2. International Leadership Conference (ILC)

A. In order to qualify for the ILC members must first compete at State Leadership Conference. Members finishing in first, second, or third place will automatically qualify to compete at the International Leadership Conference. Utah HOSA will move up places through the top 10 in order to fill three spots for each competitive event.

B. At the ILC, students may only compete in only one event, with the exception of Recognition events where students may compete in as many events as desired.

C. Students must compete in the same event at both State and Internationals and in the same membership category regardless of graduation status.

D. The top qualifier in each event along with each state officer is eligible for a state stipend for the International Leadership Conference per the annual state CTSO budget (see the State CTSO policies for the annual amount). The stipend will be distributed in the name of the student directly to the HOSA state advisor. A student may not receive more than one stipend. The state stipend will be deducted from Internnational Conference registration and/or airfare/hotel costs.

Section 3. Advisor/Student Participation at Conferences

 1. All students and advisors who attend state or national conferences are expected to participate in general sessions, as well as competitions and/or educational symposia.

B. All students must be officially registered as participants for the conference. Only members may attend conferences. Each student must have permission from their school district to participate in the conference and must abide by all rules and regulations of that district under En Loco Parentis. No student should travel to the conference site or stay in a chapter hotel room without being a registered participant.

C. All advisors must also be officially registered for state and international conferences.

© 2020, HOSA, Inc

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